Living with Chronic Arthritis: Causes and Symptoms

spinal arthritis

Living with any type of chronic arthritis pain can negatively affect you physically, mentally and emotionally. Not to mention the negative affects it may have on your family. Learning to live with a chronic condition can be frustrating at best.

Chronic Arthritis is Arthritis that has been experienced for some length of time. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of chronic arthritis. It is a degenerative joint disease that typically affects middle aged and older adults. However, it can affect any person at any age.  This type of chronic arthritis develops as cartilage in the joints wear down over time. Because no cure exists, it is extremely important to become proactive in managing, treating and possibly slowing down the condition.

Chronic Arthritis can be experienced in the back. It is most commonly found in the lower back but can form in the middle and upper back as well. The good news is, there are all natural treatments that can help manage your chronic arthritis symptoms.

What causes Chronic Arthritis in the Spine?

Imbalances in the body are the most common causes of Chronic Arthritis in the spine. The imbalances can happen in your hormone levels, stress levels, and even in your nutritional levels in the body. Muscle imbalances can adversely affect your posture, which can lead to all sort of pain including neck and back pain. Specific causes can vary from one person to another, but typically degeneration of spinal discs along with calcium build-up are factors. Even sometimes past surgeries or injuries can be to blame. Nerves become compacted or pinched, causing numbness and pain in the affected areas. A lot of people who deal with arthritis of the spine will also be affected by bone spurs and herniated discs.

Treatments for Chronic Arthritis of the Spine.

Common treatments include limiting mobility with the use of a cervical collar or brace. Commonly used drugs are non-steroidal anti inflammatories, Acetaminophen, and morphine. Non drug treatments include, hot and icepacks, electrical stimulation, therapy exercises and ultrasound. However, most of these traditional therapies fail as they only focus on and treat the symptoms of the condition, and not the underlying cause of the condition.

Combining the below therapy treatments to suit you as an individual is suggested, since no two people are alike.

Inversion Therapy can help as it will decompress the spine, removing stress from the joints of the spine. Muscle Balance Therapy will focus on restoring balance in the body, especially the pelvis and the spine which will minimize wear and tear on the spinal discs and joints.

To get a complete list of treatments for Chronic Arthritis of the Spine, you can go to: /conditions/arthritis-of-the-spine/.

Filed Under: Arthritis
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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