How Can I Stay Active With Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia pain takes both a physical and emotional toll on an individual. The chronic pain makes it difficult to stay active and maintain a positive outlook. Though fibromyalgia is difficult to “cure”, it is possible to reduce the pain and live a happy, well balanced life. This article will uncover practical tips for staying active with fibromyalgia pain.

Different Aspects of Pain

There is much more to pain than just the physical symptoms that you feel. The amount of pain that you feel is associated with things like your nutrition, sleep patterns, emotions, and of course the condition of your body. Most people with fibromyalgia realize that they need to stay active to maintain good health and healthy weight.

The problem is that exercise is difficult when you are in severe pain. The most effective way to stay active with fibromyalgia is to create a lifestyle plan. This plan will include changes to your diet, making improvements to your sleep patterns, and beginning a personal fitness program. If you feel pain in your lower back or legs, you can start with exercises that allow you to sit in a chair. By doing even just a little exercise, you will start to feel better and stronger, and may start to develop the confidence to attempt more challenging exercise.

Pain, Emotions and the Human Mind

One of the most challenging aspects of fibromyalgia is the emotional strain it places on you and your family. Did you know that the level of your pain can absolutely be affected by your thoughts? That’s not to say that you can just ignore the pain and run around the house, skipping and whistling with joy. What it does mean however, is that it is vital that you occupy your mind with positive and encouraging thoughts. Spend as much time as you can doing something you love, something that you can do everyday that will make you feel productive and happy.

The Big Picture

These lifestyle changes will help you tremendously, but you will also need to address physical issues that are causing your pain. Chronic pain is typically a result of postural and musculoskeletal issues and high levels of inflammation in the body. A common symptom of fibromyalgia is pain felt throughout the whole body. If you have excess inflammation, you can reduce it drastically with a healthy diet and a natural anti-inflammatory product.


Click Here to Learn More about Inflammation – How it Causes Pain and How to Treat it

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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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