Sciatica Pain During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful and sometimes one of the most uncomfortable experiences a woman can have. Many women suffer from a list of ailments during pregnancy and Sciatica pain during pregnancy can be annoying and quite painful. Sciatica pain during pregnancy is actually a very common complaint for expecting mothers.

So What Causes Sciatica pain during pregnancy?

Sciatic pain is a stabbing pain, numbness or tingling that originates in the lower back or buttocks area and shoots down one or both legs. As a women progresses through her pregnancy, the uterus expands, thus there is a possibility that this expansion can put extra stress onto the sciatic nerve which originates in the lower back.

Is Sciatica pain during pregnancy common?

At one point or another, over 75% percent of expecting mothers experience Sciatica during pregnancy. Sciatica pain during pregnancy most commonly occurs in the third trimester. At this stage, the growing baby starts to turn into the correct birth position. This shift into the baby’s birth position can lead to the baby lying directly on the sciatic nerve.

Are there stretches I can do for Sciatica pain during pregnancy?

Adopting a stretching routine may be the key element to keeping Sciatic pain during pregnancy at bay. The stretching routine will help tone the perineal area, strengthen the inner thighs and abdominal muscles, which can promote proper body alignment. If you are currently suffering from Sciatica pain during pregnancy, the below stretches should offer some relief.

Sciatica Stretch Videos


Tailor Sitting

Sit on the floor in a relaxed cross legged position. This will give the inner thighs a good stretch while taking some weight off of the back. Make sure to do this a few times per day to feel results.

The Squatting Stretch

This is a fairly easy stretch to perform but be sure to steady yourself with a table or any piece of furniture and begin to squat for one minute. Perform this squat 10 times per day. The squat benefits the legs as it tones and tightens them as well as the perineal muscles.

The Pelvic Tilt

To perform this stretch you can either lie on your back or perform it by standing against a wall. To perform it on the ground, simply lie on your back with bent knees and feet flat on the floor. Press the small of your back into the floor while exhaling, then inhale while relaxing the spine. You want to repeat this stretch several times. If you want to try this stretch standing up, make sure you are at least four months pregnant. Simply stand against a wall and press the small of the back against it, then relax.

Performing these daily stretches should help alleviate some of your Sciatica pain symptoms. Sciatica pain during pregnancy can be quite uncomfortable to say the least. The body is going through an enormous amount of changes in preparation for the miracle that will take place. Getting into a daily stretching routine can offer relief while strengthening your body.

Learn more about sciatica here

Filed Under: Sciatica
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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