Yoga for Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a condition of the spine that affects posture and can actually be very painful for sufferers. Some people wear back braces for many years, or undergo multiple surgeries in an attempt to correct the condition. However, some people may find success with yoga for scoliosis.

Scoliosis involves the rotation of the spine. As it moves, the ribs, shoulders and hips follow suit, leaving your upper body totally misaligned. It can result in one shoulder or hip higher than the other, one shoulder blade being more prominent than the other, the head being off center and many other cosmetic issues. It can also result in a fair amount of pain and discomfort for the sufferer.

Yoga for scoliosis can help realign the spine naturally, and provide pain relief. The method helps to strengthen weak muscles, lengthen the spine, and stretch muscles that have become tense. You can even focus on derotating the spine and ribs, while practicing the core principals of Yoga – which are achieving balance and harmony within the body. Regular practice of this technique can help you decrease your pain while gaining better posture and derotation of your spine.

Yoga can majorly help reduce your pain levels, although you may be sore in the beginning. As you stretch your muscles in new ways and to new positions, it’s important to remember that your body will be learning a new way to carry itself. This might create some soreness at first, but as your body gets used to using these weak muscles, it will become stronger and be better equipped to carry itself.

Yoga for scoliosis will focus on awareness, and being totally conscious of how you hold your body, how you walk, and how you balance yourself. Special emphasis will be placed on several areas of your body. They include:

•Feet and legs. If you focus on walking, and placing equal amounts of weight on each foot with each step you can help achieve better balance. Additionally, strengthening your legs will make this process easier.

•Spine. Yoga for scoliosis will focus on lengthening your spine in an attempt to reduce the curvature.

•Abs. If you have a strong core, you will better be able to support your back, keeping it from rotating.

•Breath. Focusing on your breath, where it comes from and how it can help heal is a vital part of yoga and helping to strengthen your body.

Choosing to treat scoliosis with yoga is not a quick fix. It is a lifelong commitment that some people may not be prepared to make. However, you may want to think twice about embarking on a procedure like spinal fusion without trying yoga. You can’t take a spinal fusion back, and once it’s done, your mobility can be extremely limited. For those who want to try it, it can lead to a balance they’ve never before experienced.

The Healthy Back Institute focuses on natural techniques for relieving all kinds of back pain, including pain from scoliosis. For more information on yoga for scoliosis, visit

Filed Under: Back Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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