7 Multi-Purpose Natural Pain Relievers

When it comes to treating pain, most of us make the familiar trip to the medicine cabinet for over the counter pain medication like aspirin or ibuprofen. If the pain is chronic, we even make a trip to the doctor’s office for the far more dangerous, prescription painkillers. These are effective for pain management, but the related side effects make them less than ideal for sporadic pain.

Fortunately for those with ongoing and persistent pain, there are many natural pain relievers that work just as well without the harmful side effects. In fact many of these natural pain relievers have been used all over the world for centuries. What should appeal to you even more is that many of these natural painkillers have proven successful in clinical studies.

The natural pain relievers below may help you relieve a variety of pain.

Proteolytic enzymes have proven successful thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties. But these enzymes also improve respiratory function and boost immunity and cardiovascular functions. Proteolytic enzymes work like NSAIDs but without the nasty side effects.

Turmeric Extract is derived from dried turmeric root and has been used in medicine for centuries.  Clinical studies have found that turmeric extract reduced inflammation by blocking pain-creating pathways. It has also been shown as a powerful anti-oxidant, which destroys toxins and free radicals that slow down healing and enhances pain.

A study conducted at the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Research Center in New York found that turmeric was safer and more exact than aspirin in terms of reducing inflammation and shutting down pain pathways.

Bromelain is a special compound extracted from the pineapple. It also contains proteolyctic enzymes that work to cut off the pain pathways in the body. Bromelain acts as a painkiller in addition to reducing and preventing inflammation. By removing toxins from the blood, bromelain allows more oxygen rich blood to flow to the pained or inflamed areas.

Boswellia Extract is one of the most used herbs in Indian medicine to treat pain and inflammation. Hundreds of clinical and practical studies have been conducted to prove boswellia extract as an effective natural pain treatment. It supports the healthy flow of oxygen-rich blood circulation.

Rutin is a natural substance with anti-inflammatory properties. Found naturally in many fruits and plants, the effectiveness of rutin is mostly due to its role as a powerful anti-oxidant, which boosts immunity and healing.

Papain is packed with proteolytic enzymes that break down proteins. Papain has been shown effective in clinical studies to treat a variety of ailments, but most importantly it is an immune booster which increases recovery time from injuries and illnesses.

Ginger Extract not only works for pain relief and the reduction of swelling, but it also works for nausea. A powerful ingredient in Asian medicine, ginger extract decreases the amount of prostaglandins, a substance that allows us to feel pain.

Reducing pain–whatever the cause–is a primary concern whenever we are hit with trauma or injuries. It is important however that we find pain relief alternatives that offer more positive effects than negatives one. Rather than scouring natural and holistic healing professionals, you can use Heal-n-Soothe which features all of these natural pain relievers…plus 4 more!

Heal-n-Soothe is used to treat PMS pain, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, arthritis, headaches and arthritis, just to name a few. It has been known to treat many different types of aches and pains in one treatment. Customers enjoy this product because you don’t have to create a schedule to treat your pain.

Before you decide that Heal-n-Soothe is for you, learn more about the effectiveness of proteolytic enzymes. Once you’ve read the information for yourself, try Heal-n-Soothe and let us know what you think.

Filed Under: Pain Relief
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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