The 6 Best Herbs for Losing Weight

best herbs for losing weightHave you tried eating right and exercising but just can’t seem to keep the weight off? Sometimes your body just needs an extra push, and herbal remedies can be a promising one. Whether it be by modulating your metabolism, helping to burn fat tissue or keeping your appetite (and food carvings) in check, the herbs that follow are among the best for losing weight and maintaining it.

  1. Ginger

Ginger has been found to play a potential role in weight management because it’s a thermogenic substance, which means it increases thermogenesis in your body, boosting fat-burning and metabolism. In one study, overweight men who drank a ginger beverage had improved feelings of satiety and reduced feelings of hunger.[i]

  1. Green Tea

Green tea contains catechins, which are beneficial antioxidants linked to increased metabolism and fat burning. In one study, men who drankcatechin-rich green tea daily for 12 weeks had significantly lower body weight, BMI, waist circumference, body fat mass and subcutaneous fat area than the control group.[ii] Separate research also concluded: “Green tea has thermogenic properties and promotes fat oxidation …”[iii]

best herbs for losing weight

  1. Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice, not an herb, but it’s major polyphenol, curcumin, may have a potential benefit in preventing obesity. In mice fed a high-fat diet, those supplemented with curcumin for 12 weeks had lower body fat and weight gain. It’s thought that curcuin inhibits angiogenesis, which is necessary for the growth of fat tissue.[iv]

  1. Black Pepper

Piperine, the compound in black pepper that makes you sneeze, interferes with the activity of genes that form new fat cells.[v] In other words, it blocks your body’s ability to make new fat cells, making it potentially useful for obesity.

  1. Gymnema Sylvestre

Gymnema sylvestre is an herb native to central India. Chewing the leaves interferes with your ability to taste sweets, making this useful for resisting food cravings or overeating. Gymnemic acid, the herb’s active component, has anti-obesity properties and is known to help decrease body weight.[vi]

  1. Panax Ginseng

Valued for its potential role in regulating metabolism, panax ginseng also appears to have anti-obesity effects. In one study of obese diabetic mice, those who received a panax ginseng berry extract “lost a significant amount of weight,” “[had] a significant reduction in food intake … and a very significant increase in energy expenditure …”[vii]

A Cravings-Busting Spray From Mother Nature

best herbs for losing weightNature is full of metabolism-boosting, fat-burning plants and more, like chromium, which is a mineral that may help keep your blood sugar in balance and, research suggests, may also help to lover sugar cravings.

Chromium-rich foods include broccoli, grass-fed beef, eggs, onions and tomatoes. It’s often difficult to get enough chromium from diet alone, however, as food processing methods often cause this mineral to become depleted in common food sources.

This is where the all-natural weight loss spray ThinMist is invaluable, because it provides you with 250% of the daily value of chromium, along with other natural compounds for weight loss. This includes:

  • L-glutamine, which has been found to reduce body weight in mice fed a high-fat diet[viii]
  • DHEA, a natural hormone that may help boost metabolism and help support fat- and weight loss[ix]
  • L-arginine, an amino acid that helped to reduce belly fat in obese women[x] and has been shown to reduce visceral fat and fat mass in animal studies
  • And more …

If you’re already eating right and exercising, why not give yourself an extra helping hand? ThinMist.


[i] Metabolism. 2012 Oct;61(10):1347-52.

[ii] Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Jan;81(1):122-9.

[iii] Am J Clin Nutr. 1999 Dec;70(6):1040-5.

[iv] J Nutr. 2009 May;139(5):919-25.

[v] J Agric Food Chem. 2012 Apr 18;60(15):3853-60.

[vi] J Sci Food Agric. 2014 Mar 30;94(5):834-40.

[vii] Diabetes June 2002 vol. 51 no. 6 1851-1858

[viii] J Nutr. 1996 Jan;126(1):273-9.

[ix] Mayo Clinic, DHEA, Evidence

[x] J Diet Suppl. 2014 Mar;11(1):40-52.

Filed Under: Weight Loss
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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