Effective Treatment and Prevention for Arthritis

EADBK-3D-300wThe following is adapted from Jesse Cannone’s latest book, The End of All Disease. To get a free copy, click here

If your joints hurt, chances are you’ll need to take two, three or more approaches to get complete relief.

And your best strategy is to start with the most basic steps everyone with joint pain should consider first. Let’s discuss those now before moving on to more advanced treatment options.

Drink more water –

Dehydration is one of the big overlooked causes of joint pain. Moving on to the rest of these joint pain solutions before taking care of hydration would be a major mistake.

Eat less inflammatory foods –

Joint pain is usually a symptom of joint inflammation. Poor food choices will make your pain worse.

Correct mineral levels –

Your bones are made of many minerals and need the right balance of vitamin D, magnesium, calcium and other minerals to ensure strong and healthy bones and joints. The only way to know for sure which minerals your body needs is to have your mineral levels tested as a baseline. Then supplement with the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Exercise / increase activity –

Your bones and muscles require regular stimulation to remain strong. Inactivity puts you at more risk of injury, not less. A few good options include walking, QiGong, Tai Chi, and Yoga.

Once you’ve got the basics covered, you can move on to more advanced treatment options such as:

Bodywork therapies –

Many people who suffer with arthritis find it difficult to exercise because they are either too weak, in too much pain, or have lost too much range of motion. In such cases, attending a series of hands-on bodywork sessions can really help loosen the body, align the system, free the nerves and awaken the energy.

The mental component –

Mental stress and a negative outlook can sabotage your best efforts at beating joint pain.

Supplements –

You can mask joint pain with drugs, and continue to suffer. Or you can give your body the building blocks it needs to repair joint damage, strengthen weak bones and stop runaway inflammation that’s causing your pain in the first place.

Topical creams, gels, and oils –

Topical pain products are mostly used for short-term relief, as once their active ingredients have metabolized in the body, their value is greatly diminished. For effectiveness over the long term they should be applied three times per day, and be part of an overall program for arthritis relief. On their own, these products can provide almost instant relief on some level to one or more symptoms and can be used to help you get through your day or night.

For more in-depth info about the treatments recommended here I recommend you consult The End of All Disease book.

Click here to get your free copy today

Filed Under: Back Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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