Lumbar Disc Disease

Lumbar disc disease is actually fairly common. In fact, spinal disc degeneration is the norm and to be expected as a result of the ageing process.

Lumbar disc disease specifically refers to discs in the lower back. As you age, the discs in your spinal column become worn out and more susceptible to damage. This results in a herniated (or damaged or dislocated) disc.

About 30% of people between 30 and 60 have some kind of disc disease, and may not even know it. If you do experience symptoms though, it often appears as pain in the back – specifically the lower back when you’re talking about lumbar disc disease – and can be accompanied by tingling or numbness in your extremities due to a nerve being pinched by the herniated disc.

Lumbar Disc Disease, although it sounds terrible, is actually fairly easy to deal with. Some people find success with surgery or steroid injections; however they’re not always helpful and can be invasive and costly.

One of the most successful ways to avoid surgery or injections is through inversion therapy. An astonishing 70% of people who tried inversion therapy were able to cancel their herniated disc surgeries because it helped them so much. The process involves being turned upside down for a period of time, so that gravity can help your spine find its proper alignment naturally. If you’re interested in trying this technique at home, simply visit The Healthy Back Institute at and browse their selection of home inversion therapy tables. They even offer free shipping on their tables, putting the latest back pain relief technique within your grasp.

Something else that can help to relieve your pain and even keep it from coming back is low impact exercise. Some sports, like golf, can worsen lumber disc disease because of the sudden twisting motion involved. However, walking, swimming, yoga, and core exercises like sit ups and crunches are all helpful to maintaining your back’s health.

You can also try certain stretching exercises that will help keep your back muscles loose, so that they don’t put unnecessary pressure on your spinal column. Some of the easiest ones you can do right from your chair at work.

•Simply sit in your chair with your feet flat on the ground. Bend over and try to touch the ground with your hands. If you can’t reach, it’s ok, just reach out until you feel the stretch in your lower back. It’s important that this feels like a stretch and isn’t painful. Don’t over extend the area by reaching too far.

•Another stretch you can do right from the chair is to gently and slowly twist your back. Do this by placing your left hand on your right knee, and turn until you feel the stretch in your lower back. Especially for those with lumbar disc disease, it’s important to practice this stretch carefully so as to keep the back loose, but not injure the area further.

The Healthy Back Institute has a wealth of information on lumbar disc disease. To find out more, visit today.

Filed Under: Disk Disease
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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