Surgery for Herniated Disc

If you take the right steps, you might never need surgery for a herniated disc.

Did you know that after age 25, our bodies no longer make mass amounts of natural anti-inflammatory enzymes to help us heal fast? That is why the older we get, the longer our pain seems to stay with us, leading to normal degenerative conditions such as herniated discs.

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However, did you know you can go on enzyme therapy to get rid of pain and help you heal faster? What this means for a herniated disk is that surgery might be unnecessary.

Taking regularly prescribed painkillers—that don’t end up working—might be what got you to consider surgery in the first place. You should know that herniated discs, or degenerative disc disease, as it’s sometimes called, is not a disease at all, but a natural function of aging that you can combat through safe, non-intrusive methods.

Before you embark on surgery that will cost you in terms of painful recovery, copious amounts of money and leave you dependent on prescription medications that will introduce toxins to your body, consider a combination of Enzyme Therapy and Muscle Balance Therapy.

Did you know that natural enzymes will help you deal with pain, but have no side effects? That’s right, you can fight the symptom that is giving you the most problems—the pain—without taxing your liver or risking any of the dangerous side effects normally associated with even over the counter medications. Our Heal n’ Soothe enzyme therapy has natural ingredients such as ginger and turmeric, that have been used by mankind to fight inflammation naturally for millennia.

At the root of your herniated disk is a muscle imbalance dysfunction that was probably the result of years of compression of your spinal discs. What caused this dysfunction? Bad posture, years of sitting, bending, extra weight, and lack of exercise.

But since disc compression is a physical problem, why not try a physical solution?

The Muscle Balance Therapy offered by LosetheBackPain will first allow you diagnose which para-spinal muscles are weak and which muscles have been overdeveloped from overuse. Your para-spinal muscles are responsible for supporting all the movement of your body, and your spine also carries the full weight of your body. So if you have not been actively promoting strength in your all back muscles through regular exercise and stretching—like most adults who work at a desk all day—your muscle imbalance along with the simple passing of time led to a herniated disc.

Cervical (upper back) and lumbar (lower back) discs are gelatinous pads that support the bony spinal vertebrae by providing shock absorption. Over time they lose water or wear down as a result of muscle imbalances that pull your body out of the proper alignment, causing you pain. This is what’s meant by a herniated disc.

You can effectively treat the pain associated with a herniated disc, as well as do targeted exercises that will restore balance and strength to your para- spinal muscle group, negating the need for costly surgery and all the side effects that go with it. Pay us a visit today.

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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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